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Unexpected Inspiration & Surprises

Thank you Emily for this awesome cake!

So I woke up today with an expectation of a typical mother's day but ended the day with unexpected inspirations & surprises.

First, my sweet Emily made me this most amazing cake! I mean pink frosting is the very best!

Then, we headed to church and I was blown away with inspiration from one of my favorite women, Christine Cain. Her message was fierce and this quote summed it up perfectly, "The enemy will always try to shame you in the area where God most wants to use you!" Amen!

To hear Christine's message, click here. To get a hold of her new book Unexpected, click here. It's REALLY good stuff.

Then it was off to walk around and buy whatever I wanted at Marianos! You know, the ultimate grocery store where I bought deviled eggs, a salad, donuts and chocolate covered strawberries. I mean what more could a woman want?? Well, diamonds maybe, but I was at a grocery store.

And then to top off the day, Kate did my make up, surprised me with roses and we all cuddled up in my bed to watch The Greatest Showman (I'm the only one who had not seen it and stood up on the bed clapping after it ended)!

Hoping all of you had a nice weekend :)

PS - just a quick shout out to my mama on this Mother's Day! I love you to pieces. These are the beautiful qualities I admire the most about her...strength, courage, love, organization, optimism, determination, leadership, and the best baker on the planet, but the three I know I definitely get from her are my unending love for COFFEE, SHOES and LIPSTICK! xo


All I'm saying is that my mom should be thanking me! I mean c'mon, I am the reason she gets to celebrate mother's day! In all aspects, I am kidding, this day is for my beautiful mother and my mother only. Mother's Day is very similar to my mom's birthday; our family gets whatever we want to eat, whenever we want to eat it! Donuts, chocolate covered strawberries, pizza, gelato, you name it, we eat it. So I don't only thank God for my incredible mother, I thank God that she loves sweets as much as I do! Every day should be mother's day because my mother deserves every day dedicated to her!

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mama llamas out there!



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