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Looking back on the adventures of 2019

And just like that the year is OVER! What?! It’s crazy how this happens but I always get excited for the anticipation of a new year and what adventures await.

But before we jump ahead, let’s take a look back on some of the great adventures of 2019!

First up, we sent Elsa off to college! This definitely had to be the biggest adventure for us, something we had never done before and we had no clue what we were doing. But like so many things in life we somehow figured it out (well at least we think we did lol)!

There was a lot of anxiety leading up to dropping her off and I really thought I was going to have to peel Jason off of her dorm floor, but surprisingly there was so much anticipation and excitement with this new adventure that we left feeling grateful. It is still crazy to me that she lives this life outside of our nucleus family, but it has been so fun watching her grow.

And then we celebrated our one year anniversary of the blog!!!! You guys I need to stop right here and say THANK YOU!!! This has been so fun for me and I truly love creating fun content and we would not be here without YOU supporting us and letting us enter your inbox every week. My writing skills are in need of work and God only knows how many pictures of me you have seen standing in front of a mirror, but your comments and feedback are so worth it!

And lastly I went to my very first blogging conference in Austin, Texas this past spring. I met some amazing women and came home excited about all of the things I had learned. I even met some of my Instagram favorites like Erin from Living in Yellow - who by the way is the sweetest! And this spring I am heading to Houston, Texas for the conference and Elsa is coming with me! Cannot wait to share this experience with her and learn even more!!!

So cheers to 2020 friends!!! It’s going to be AWESOME!



Okay so 2020??!!!! Already??!! I can’t believe 2019 is over! I remember as a freshmen in high school thinking 2019 was so far away, graduation was so far away, college was so far away... yeah, well here I am, in the middle of all of it!!

So, my 2019, or OUR 2019 I might add, how was it?? I mean I had an absolutely wonderful year!!! Traveled a lot! Spent another year with my favorite boy!! Got closer to my family! Made some incredible, forever friends!! Realized how precious life really is! However 2019 was still a bit of a struggle, as most years usually are!! But I’m gonna focus on 3 main parts of my 2019 that made it so special!!

1) Graduation!!

Okay so of course graduation was a big deal! I was completely done with Cary-Grove High School, D155, Cary in general (basically) forever! Graduation was so significant just because it represented the end of an era! The weather was perfect that day, an absolutely amazing way to end my high school career! It was emotional but also felt surreal, like I was back at 8th grade graduation again, not finishing high school! But of course it was a wonderful day filled with graduation parties and celebration after celebration! Although it was in the middle of 2019, it was definitely a great way to end 2019 with a bang!!


Alright so this was a very significant part of my 2019 because it represented growth and confidence within myself, which I lost many times throughout 2019!! I knew for a couple years I really wanted a tattoo but could never figure out what! At the beginning of June I finally figured out the perfect idea for a tattoo and a way to better myself! As most of you know I found the phrase “I am enough” and felt confident I wanted it on my body!! My reason for the phrase and placement of the tattoo is because of my lack of confidence in myself and my body! I’m definitely still struggling but no doubt this tattoo has helped me in incredible ways!!

3) Finding my girls at college! Obviously, the stress about college and classes and finding friends really got to me before I left! I was so nervous I just wasn’t going to be able to handle anything! And the fact that my boyfriend and immediate family were 6 hours away didn’t help! HOWEVER, I was blessed with the best roommate a girl could have! Absolutely amazing how things worked out for Cailtin and I and incredible how fast we created a bomb ass girl gang!

For a couple of background facts, this girl gang was created super easily because all of my amazing friends live in Minnesota, approximately 20-30 minutes away from campus! Plus they all knew of each other’s high schools and friend groups before coming to the U! Our friend group all connects and that’s why it’s so amazing!! Caitlin’s best friend Abby knew her roommate Emma from dance! Emma was in the same friend group in high school as Kamar and Ellette! Ellette’s roommate Maddie knew Emma from dance! Solveig and Abby and Cailtin knew each other from high school and Hannah is Solveig’s amazing roommate! So basically we’re all connected in some way and it’s seriously incredible! This girl gang was formed so fast and perfectly and I’m so blessed with these lovely ladies in my life!! Definitely made my college transition easier!!

2019 was an emotional and life changing year for me and the blog! But I’m so ready to take 2020 head on and bring you guys with!!



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