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And just like that, Christmas is over :(

Okay, Christmas is already over! like I feel like I haven’t even finished making my Christmas list!! (like praise Santa because I actually didn’t finish that list!)

but let’s talk about the really important stuff. Miley Cyrus and Liam hemsworth FINALLY got married!!! they’re really cute, met on the set of The Last Song, and ya know split for a bit but of course came back to be back together!!!! Okay so I guess now back to Christmas !!

Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday!! Yes yes of course we get our amazing presents!!! But that’s not why it’s my favorite! It’s really my favorite holiday because basketball is cancelled for a couple of days and I just thrive!! No basketball, lots of Christmas cookies, and presents!! But on a serious note, that list didn’t have the reason why Christmas is my favorite holiday! Christmas is my favorite holiday because of all of the time I get with my family! I get to see both sides of my family (and get presents and food from both😉) and spend quality time with the ones I don’t see every day!!

Christmas really is the best time of the year because of the family time and the amazing family traditions we have! My mom, Dad, kate and em, just lay around all Christmas Eve (this Christmas Eve we worked out so that was an L!), we make gingerbread houses, we bake, watch some Christmas movies, and mama llam and my dad cook this AMAZING Christmas Eve meal! Then of course we eat dessert! That’s definitely my favorite part about the Christmas holiday!!

Christmas morning we wake up and open presents and celebrate Jesus’ birthday with a cake! We usually spend the rest of the morning figuring out how to work our new gifts! Then after a while, we get ready and head to grandma and grandpa’s house for dinner!! This year my nana and Papa met us there and that was amazing!

My family is truly the best thing in my life and spending all the extra time with them over Christmas is what makes this holiday so special!!

Hopefully your holidays were as joyous as mine!

Merry (belated) Christmas!



And just like that Christmas is over :(  So much preparation, so many trips to Target, so many boxes at my front door, and then poof it’s all done.  But isn’t that life? We plan, organize, write page after page of lists and then before we know it another year has passed us by.

So how do we slow down time?  Well I wish I had the magical answer to that, however, as I age (why are all of these aha moments happening as I get older????) I am finding that it really is all about the journey of each day.  I actually keep a gratitude journal that helps me see the moments (big and small) of each day and for some reason this really helps me appreciate the journey.

Now back to Christmas...we are really lucky because Christmas is very relaxing at our house.  When we first had kids, we told our parents that we really want to wake up in our own house and that everyone is invited here, but we do not want to travel.  This is why we go to Minnesota for Thanksgiving and stay here for Christmas. We make a fun dinner on Christmas Eve with just the five of us and then head to my inlaws on Christmas day for dinner.


My parents make the trip here for Christmas as well and spend a few days with us.  It usually involves lots of eating, playing euchre, and shopping (yes, my mom and I grab those after Christmas deals!)!  Last night we played a game of Family Feud and could not stop laughing...these are the memories we will remember...these are the moments that really matter.   

And like Elsa said, this is really the best part of Christmas...spending it with family.

Now it’s time to take the decorations down, organize my closet, and get back to the gym...wish me luck!!!!!


1 Comment

Jan 11, 2019

Friggin stinkin cutiest family. You have a beautiful spirit miss Jen. A strong woman setting the tone for her family. Boom.

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