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Well I mean currently I’m sitting in a study lounge at 12:07am deciding whether or not I want to buy a cute oatmeal colored romper for $55! The verdict is leaning towards a yes, but I guess I’ll have to let you guys know the final decision next week! But otherwise, lately!

Lately I’ve been a liiitttllleee stressed with the changes of this second semester! HOWEVER, I do believe these changes are good ones!

I got back to school 2 weeks ago, but honestly it already feels like forever ago! To be honest, it was an easy adjust, I felt like I had never left! And after seeing all my girly pops, it felt like we were definitely not apart for a month! It was so so great!! On a separate note, I did not miss the dining hall food… at all! But hey, you gotta do what ya gotta do, and I gotta eat dining hall food everyday and its a okay!!

Aside from the dining hall food there have been a couple of fun changes for this semester!! the first one being my walls in Caitlin and I’s dorm room! I wanted to switch something up around my bed and desk area, but nothing to major! so over break I decided to create a pink themed pinterest board to then transfer into a pink themed collage wall! I was verrryyy specific with my pictures and wanted them all to have the same vibe that I hadn’t seen before in previous collages! I made this collage with the help of Abby and Cailtin the day I got back to school and I am in love with it!! It was everything I hoped it would turn out to be!!

Adding to my cool new wall collage, I now have a cool new schedule this semester! Instead of 5 classes, I’m taking 4 and one of them is online! So basically I’m not really physically in a class for that long, which is A M A Z I N G!! I haven’t created a routine for the new schedule though and it’s a bit hard for me to adjust to the different course work and work load I get outside of class! Needless to say, I’m stressed but just grateful to be here, studying away and earning a degree!!

One of the last and final changes that has occurred this semester is my eating habits, Cailtin and I both actually! You should see our frickin snack cabinets! They are full of healthy and delicious snacks and meal replacements for when we get hungry! Buuuut I just want to note: it’s not that I didn’t eat healthy last semester! Over winter break I tried being healthier and more conscious about what I was putting into my body so I transferred that over to when I came back here! Now I do have to say, eating healthy is honestly amazing! My snacks are really yummy and probably not even the best for you, but it just feels so good to fill my body up with the right fuel it deserves! Let this be known though, this does not mean at all that I will just stop eating treats and chocolate and candy and of course cherry coke! Just all in moderation, at least that’s what my mom tells me!!

So that’s been my lately!! A few changes but nothing too drastic, and definitely excited to take on this next semester with my girl gang by my side!



Well I can't say that these last two weeks haven't been totally amazing...I mean Mexico two weekends in a row???!!!! Who does that? ME!!!! LOL

Let me first say that this was not originally planned like that. Jason and I had booked our annual trip away quite awhile ago and then a girlfriend's trip came up and I wasn't going to say no to that so I guess I got a little spoiled with sunshine and tequila :)

As many of you know, Jason and I make it a priority every year to get away for a long weekend and we have fallen in love with this quaint little place in Mexico called Viceroy Riveria Maya.

There are 41 villas on the property and it is set in a lush jungle right on the ocean and each villa even has its own plunge pool. It is so secluded that you don't even feel like anyone else is there and the service is absolutely amazing. This year was our third time and our friend, Pepe, was still there taking care of us!

I cannot even describe to you how amazing their food is. Some of the best food I have ever had and they even still have Jason's go to breakfast - ranchero eggs. And dessert???? OMG! This caramelized popcorn something or another was OUT OF THIS WORLD! And lunch is usually fish tacos with chips and guacamole, poolside of course :)

We love it because it is so small. It is never crowded. You never need a dinner reservation. And it is perfect for a little getaway.

A couple of other things happening around here...

~Loving all the things I have ordered from Amazon...

~Watched The Biggest Little Farm on the airplane and now I want to live on a California of course.

~Just started reading the The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu.

~Heading to Minnesota this weekend to bring Emily to see Elsa at school and then heading to my parents and taking them out for their birthdays. February is almost here! What??!!

Oh and if you are ever headed to Mexico, hit me up!



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